Rating, Stars, Bookmarks
I'm new to astiga and have occasionally some doubts about the usage of its Android App.
So far, I am syncing two cloud storages (I got myself a yearly subscription) - box and Nextcloud - with a total of approximately 55 Gb songs, which I downloaded from Google's Music App (Music YT is useless for me).
Before starting to sync I tagged all songs via Music Bee with at least four basic tags - album, artist, genre, title - more or less consistently.
I moved my Music Bee library organized in (artist) folders into box (around 40Gb) and Nextcloud (around 15 GB).
I have no idea if this information helps to better understand my questions, just trying to describe my context, maybe it helps 😅
So, my questions are:
1. I can star a song, but under "Home" there is no "starred" songs category. Neither a "top rated" songs category. These categories exist under Albums and - at least for "top rated" - under Artists. So, basically, although I "star" or "like" (thumbs up icon) or manually rate a song, there is no category or playlist, where this is recorded/reflected. Why? (I'd like to gather my favourite songs somewhere, not albums or artists)
2. What are bookmarks good for? I get somehow confused between bookmarking, starring and rating a song (and there are two different ways of rating a song, via thumbs up icon - immediately rates 5 stars - and manually in the playlist view - via three dot menu)
3. What does "batch mode" mean? Click box under three dot menu in single song view.
4. Finally, it would be great, if I could add a song to a playlist directly from the song view, rather than have to go to the automatic playlist list, click on the three dot menu an than get the option to add a song to any playlist I like.
Thanks for this fantastic cloud music solution!
Thank you Koen!
1. Looking forward to it 👍 I was thinking of an automatically added playlist, e.g. one stars a song (or likes) and it will pop up automatically in a "Your favourite songs". So far, I can only star, bookmark, rate songs, albums or artists in the mobile app anyway, correct?
2. Understood. Thanks!
3. Understood. Thanks!
4. To explain this matter better, I will share a couple of screenshots.
This is what I see, when I am listening to a song in "full screen mode" https://app.box.com/s/e2044u8oxwy89tny0y3x5fja1lwg4l53 You see no option to add from here to a playlist, only save playlist.
So, when I click from here (Full screen mode), on the bottom right playlist icon, I am getting a view, which allows me to add via the three dot menu a song to an individual playlist. Here goes the screenshot https://app.box.com/s/rlwki7d31f0luttm8w7siyyvisp92c26
Not a big deal, just wondering, whether a shortcut would make sense 😃