How Does Astiga Handle Renamed Files?

I spent some time renaming audio files to meet my preferences. I also updated the playlist to reference the new file names. I was assuming that I needed to sync my library after all the renaming was complete. However, the status email after the sync showed zero changes.

Here are the original file names:

El Huervo\2014, Daisuke [Single]\02-Daisuke (Brahm Remix ft. Shelby Cinca).flac

El Huervo\2016, Vandereer\06-Envisage (Featuring Brahm).flac

El Huervo\2017, Le Temps\01-Le Temps (Featuring Brahm).flac

Here are what I renamed the files to:

El Huervo\2014, Daisuke [Single]\02-Daisuke (Brahm Remix feat. Shelby Cinca).flac

El Huervo\2016, Vandereer\06-Envisage (feat. Brahm).flac

El Huervo\2017, Le Temps\01-Le Temps (feat. Brahm).flac

I renamed a bunch more with similar changes. I am a little confused on why a sync would not show these changes. I did delete all playlist and re-import them again to reflect the changed file names.

Best Answer

  • Accepted Answer

    This time it worked correctly:

    2025-01-18T20:12:52 DELETE /sftp/Music/Billy Joel/2001, The Essential Billy Joel/36-Invention In C Minor.flac

    2025-01-18T20:12:55 ADD   /sftp/Music/Billy Joel/2001, The Essential Billy Joel/36-Some Random Classical Piece.flac

    I will leave auto-sync permanently disabled if this was the cause of the issue. I always manually run a sync in any event.


  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Your changed file locations are showing on your SFTP connection, but not your pCloud one. Your SFTP connection is auto syncing, so it might be the sync log where the changes were shown has been overwritten.

  • DrystDryst Member
    edited January 17

    Hmm. I performed the manual sync right after I deleted and uploaded the changed file names. I then performed a sync right after doing this, and it did not show that a sync was already running. I successfully performed the sync right after the upload with no change showing.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    We don't cache folder contents for SFTP so that can't be the cause...

    Taking the "Vandereer" track...

    On pCloud the last update was seen at 2024-11-02 05:54:08

    For SFTP the last update (and also the created timestamp, because this was the changed file) seen was at 2025-01-16 10:10:18 (yesterday morning).

    Anyhow - is it now working as you want?

  • DrystDryst Member

    So I need to disable auto sync for my expectation to work? I am confused on what is going on and what astiga is doing. This used to work in the past as I expect.

  • DrystDryst Member

    I just disabled auto-sync from SFTP.

    I will try this again to see what happens.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    But it did work for SFTP... Disabling auto sync might just mean you have to remember to manually sync later. I'd leave it on for now.

    I can try to replicate next week if you like.

  • DrystDryst Member
    edited January 18
    This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.

    Getting an email stating there were zero changes whatsoever means that it did not work. All those files you reported as new did not show up in the email that I had received. I hope this point is clear.

  • DrystDryst Member

    Here is a new test I am running right now:

    Original file:

    Billy Joel\2001, The Essential Billy Joel\36-Invention In C Minor.flac

    I am now deleting this file from my SFTP server. I have edited the track tag and renamed this file to the following:

    Billy Joel\2001, The Essential Billy Joel\36-Some Random Classical Piece.flac

    I am uploading this file to replace the previous file I deleted. Auto-sync remains disabled. I will execute a sync after all of this done. I suspect the email I receive will again report zero changes (no files removed and no files added).

    I will report my findings when the sync completes.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator
    edited January 20

    Getting an email stating there were zero changes whatsoever means that it did not work. All those files you reported as new did not show up in the email that I had received. I hope this point is clear.

    It is clear, but I thought we'd established it was a different sync invocation (probably an automatic one) that saw those changes; otherwise, the changes wouldn't show in our database. Maybe it's also the fact that you can only see the latest sync that loses visibility of this.

    I guess re-running with sync disabled may cast more light.

  • DrystDryst Member
    edited January 24
    This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.

    As I previously wrote, Astiga used to refuse to execute a manual sync at any time when any type of sync was currently being run. It used to display a message stating that the currently running sync was not finished and not execute a new one. This is how the site used to work. There have been many code changes made that may have broken this though.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Thanks - I'll look into this.

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