Casting to Google Homes Mini not working

in Bugs
Not sure if this is only me, but earlier today I was able to successfully cast Astiga to my chromecast on my TV; however, trying to cast to a home mini causes a skip error. Specifically, it says "Failed to Load" and skips to the next song, endlessly skipping until the app crashes or I'm able to disconnect it from the mini through a very slow button click.
Likewise, when using the Google command "Ask Astiga to play [song name], it says "the format of this song is not supported on this device" even though it plays just fine on my phone and laptop. Not sure if this bug is only me or a larger bug.
Are these the same songs? If not, what is the format you tried to stream? The Google Home only supports this list:
What I think happens is that it cannot play the file (due to it being unsupported by Google Home), then it tries to play the next, next, ad infinitum. Will fix that hopefully for the next release.
I've tried it with multiple files, all .mp3 formatted. Update: I was able to successfully cast the files to my TV yesterday, but it seems to fail today. Also, using casting from the notification center (casting android instead of the app) works fine.
Also, appriciate the quick response 😁 I've really been enjoying the service.
New update: it seems the token was revoked for some reason to the storage source. There was no indication on the client side, and because the files were cached, it did not throw an error trying to play it on the device. Hope this helps someone that runs into a similar issue.
That's odd and interesting to read. I play the music via Astiga almost exclusively via Chromecast Audio or in-built Chromecast within soundbars. I have six Chromecast sources set-up and all seem to work fine without fail. My music formats are all either highest quality MP3 or FLAC, both of which cast without any issue via the Android app. If there is an issue sometimes it can be Google Home itself rather than the device or Astiga, in that situation a device reboot seems to resolve any issues to restart Google Home cleanly.
@MusicHorder what did you do about the token? Did you have to reindex the whole source? I just started having this problem tonight.
I just re-generated the token and saved it. As I recall, I didn't have to reindex, although I had reindexed it a few times shortly after for other reasons, so I'm not sure if reindexing had an impact for sure or not.
For context, I was using Google drive as the storage location.
As am I. i resaved the token and it seemed to work. We will see what happens.