Astiga has pCloud root access

When adding pCloud, Astiga asks for an 'initial folder' where music is stored. However, when an access token is requested it grants root access. This means Astiga technically has (read) access to the whole contents of my pCloud account, rather than just the music. That's not ideal if I store anything sensitive in other folders.
Here is the linked apps entry in pCloud:
App Name Astiga
Publisher Koenvh
Folder /(root)
Access Type Read Only
Would it be possible to use the initial folder as the shared folder for the access token?
I have only taken out a Pcloud subscription for my music share to Astiga, so it is less of an issue for me - but you make a valid point. Thanks Mark
Well, pCloud does show which folder it has access to since I believe last month (namely /, so everything), but the documentation does not mention how an app would request access to a different folder, hence it seems not possible at the moment. I presume this will be added later on pCloud's side, after which it'll also be added to Astiga.
I expect to see this popping up with more cloud storages soon. Previously, access was all or nothing (as is still the case with for example Dropbox), then the access got more fine-grained with read only, read and write, etc., and I expect (and hope) that access to specific folders only is the next step. Once that is supported, it will be implemented in Astiga as well.
Great, that makes sense, thanks for the response. I'm new to both.
I think I can workaround it by sharing the music folder with a second free pCloud account to connecting this account to Astiga
Can you take a look if it's possible now to grant access to certain directory?
I've setup Keepass2Android to access my pcloud account and on the Linked Accounts page it shows up as:
App Name: Keepass2Android
Publisher: Philipp Crocoll (Croco Apps)
Folder: Keepass2Android
Access Type: Full Access
The folder is actually /Applications/Keepass2Android and Keepass2Android is hardcoded to always use this path.
I'm not sure how Keepass2Android does it or if this is a recent thing but it's open source app so it should be possible to figure out what API they use.
Unfortunately not. These are the options that can be set for an app that wants to allow access to pCloud. Keepass2Android probably set it to private, which means it will get its own folder under Applications/Keepass2Android where it can do whatever it wants (with write access turned on). Astiga has access to all folders, without write access.
The problem is that there is no option to let you pick which folder(s) Astiga has access to. Most people have their music in a "Music" or "My Music" folder, and just want to grant access to that. Making that hardcoded to Applications/Astiga is going to be really inconvenient for most, especially those who also sync their pCloud with their computer.