Scrobbling to isn't working anymore

in Bugs
Both on app as in webbrowser, when playing a song, it doesn't scrobble to anymore. Tried removing my connection and connecting again, but still nothing comes through.
Anyone else has this issue?
Ah, it seems to be working again today when I play new songs. But all my old scrobbles of last few days still aren't showing.
It's odd that it's just the last few days. When we did the transfer of ownership we had to move the account, but this was done over two weeks ago...
Are you sure it's working again now?
To be honest, I was on holiday for some time and haven't been using Astiga during this period. 18th of august was last time I scrobbled succesfully and I think that after that day I only started using Astiga again on 29th of august. But the scrobbles from 29th of august up until today are missing. Only those after I've disconnected and connected again to on are showing up again.
Only those after I've disconnected and connected again to
I think this is the key - by reconnecting the new connection has been re-established. I believe this may need to be done by everyone - I should see if I can put a note in the UI.
This still doesn't work. I have reconnected and all but it no longer scrobbles. Been having this issue for several weeks.
Ok, I'll check this in the next few days. Sorry for the inconvenience.
@Zanatos So - I just tried this, and it does send my tracks through. However, this is on a new connection. As @nononolimits said, could you try reconnecting by choosing _Disconnect from Last.fm_ then attempting to reconnect? You should get a challenge like this:
Obviously, click _YES, ALLOW ACCESS_ and then try playing some more music. Your scrobbles should appear here: (I'm guessing you realise this, but just in case).