No. Please. It could be useful to books. But no for music. Anyway, on Android app you can configure how many seconds it takes to go forward or rewind. By default it's 10 rewind and 30 fast forward. But you can change it.
I don't think it matters for music but it is important for podcasts and audiobooks. For me, having the extra controls would not matter in terms of cluttering the UI. I have a podcast app that jumps 15 seconds forward or backward and an audiobook app that does 10 seconds or 1 minute forward or backward. I'd be OK if a playlist could be tagged as audiobook or podcast to have more specific UI controls for those types of audio and then leave the music controls as they are now.
Smart Audiobook: Smart enough to realize that a collection of mp3s is actually a BOOK and not X number of individual files. Remember file and position automatically.
PodCast Republic: Remembers the file and the position automatically and removes files that have been played. I'd be happy if the item was removed from the playlist leaving my file intact.
One thing I sometimes do with podcasts, when I've finished listening, is actually rewind by 10s. Then, when I start listening again it's easier to pick up on the context.
I had no idea this was possible, but when I tried to figure it out, it seems you have to touch and hold on the forward/back buttons, and if you hold a split second too short you skip the entire track, and a split second too long and you jump 2 or 3 intervals of the configured duration. Really not ideal. I vote for 2 additional buttons.
No. Please. It could be useful to books. But no for music. Anyway, on Android app you can configure how many seconds it takes to go forward or rewind. By default it's 10 rewind and 30 fast forward. But you can change it.
I don't think it matters for music but it is important for podcasts and audiobooks. For me, having the extra controls would not matter in terms of cluttering the UI. I have a podcast app that jumps 15 seconds forward or backward and an audiobook app that does 10 seconds or 1 minute forward or backward. I'd be OK if a playlist could be tagged as audiobook or podcast to have more specific UI controls for those types of audio and then leave the music controls as they are now.
Smart Audiobook: Smart enough to realize that a collection of mp3s is actually a BOOK and not X number of individual files. Remember file and position automatically.
PodCast Republic: Remembers the file and the position automatically and removes files that have been played. I'd be happy if the item was removed from the playlist leaving my file intact.
One thing I sometimes do with podcasts, when I've finished listening, is actually rewind by 10s. Then, when I start listening again it's easier to pick up on the context.
I had no idea this was possible, but when I tried to figure it out, it seems you have to touch and hold on the forward/back buttons, and if you hold a split second too short you skip the entire track, and a split second too long and you jump 2 or 3 intervals of the configured duration. Really not ideal. I vote for 2 additional buttons.