Shuffle of Starred music

Hi, I like the Starred albums feature, meaning that I can create a sub-library of chosen 'priority listening' music.
When I Shuffle the Starred albums, it shuffles all the tracks starred - when I have around 4000 tracks in there out of a library 100K approximately.
It might be better to pick up the Playlist size setting and only put that many songs into the Shuffle playlist. That will shorten processing time in creating the list.
Post edited by Coyley on
Sorry - what do you mean by "shuffles them out"?
Apologies for my typing there, I should of said 'shuffles them all' - as in it shuffles all tracks in Starred then outs them into one huge playlist. That's instead of picking up the Playlist length setting and picking out the users choice of 20, 50 etc tracks.
I have amended my original post.
That makes sense - you want the shuffle playlist size to act as a maximum to the number of tracks added from starred albums.
Yes please.
It is then a fantastic way of shuffling a subset of music configurably.
Thank you.