Music play history

It would be really useful to me to have a feature in which every track I play gets recorded (optionally, if some users don't want it) and I can then look it up later. For example, sometimes I'm playing through a really long playlist or album and I take a break to play something else and I lose my place inside it. Once this is built, it could also support other features like "play insights" e.g. what genres you listed to the most, the most listened to song, etc. This "play insights" feature is far less important to me but might be cool.
As a stopgap you can have Astiga scrobble to and track your listening that way.
To be transparent, we do actually store these counts, that's how the "most recent" and "most played" lists get populated on the Overview page.
It would be great doing a little more with this. A few months ago I ran a few experiments generating infographics for some of the Premium members here. The feedback was positive but not "WOW" positive and so it has been de-prioritised a bit. Probably the main next steps were to go toward something like what you describe @aomighty where the reports are more editable (it was just a static generated report before).
To be transparent, we do actually store these counts, that's how the "most recent" and "most played" lists get populated on the Overview page.
I do feel like these statistics aren't always 100%. For example, permanently cached items appear as played recently despite not being played, just downloaded. But also albums I listen to once sometimes somehow appear as a most listened too for a long time, despite the fact I have albums I listened way more too. In other instances, music I did listen to does not appear on the "listened to" stat. And it also often grabs the next song in the currently playing playlist as recently played regardless of if it actually played or not.
That's just a few examples, but I've seen a lot of small oddities with these two lists on the overview page. Now I'm using Last.FM for statistics so it's not a huge deal for me, but if you're building onto those stats you might want to double check if they actually are correct to a certain extend ;).
Oh - that's true, and very observant of you! The hook that adds a "play" is actually triggered by download. Also, if cached, the play count won't register.
If you have specific examples of oddities I can look into those...