Scheduled maintenance of - Saturday 1st July, 10am BST (5am EST, 11am CET)

gravelldgravelld Administrator
edited July 2023 in General

Following on from previous work, we've more work to do! I'm going to copy and paste the same notification as before, because it's essentially the same other than the date:

On Saturday 1st July at 10am BST we're going to be running some maintenance on the Astiga servers. During this time, the Astiga service may not be available. This covers the Web app, any other apps that access the live Astiga server and the community. This will take up to one hour.

Users of the mobile app should still be able to use it offline and to play cached music.

The purpose of the downtime is to test a new infrastructure for Astiga. This new platform is designed to make deployments faster, more reliable and more traceable. Longer term, it should also help us scale the service to support more users.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. As ever, I'm available here to answer any questions, or via .

Post edited by gravelld on


  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    We're beginning this now.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    We're currently running on the new infrastructure. There may be some short term outage when we move back to the old platform.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    We've completed the work and have rolled back to the old infrastructure. Things went well!

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