Supported Cloud Providers

DrystDryst Member
edited June 24 in General

edit: my question is already answered here:

The currently supported cloud providers are:



Google Drive



Access is also available through FTP and SFTP.

Lastly, WebDAV is also available.

If your provider is not one of the above and does not offer FTP, SFTP or WebDAV, you are out of luck using Astiga.

edit: fixed typos

Post edited by Dryst on


  • DrystDryst Member
    edited June 24

    pCloud was my first cloud provider I paid for. I have been with them since 2021, and I have had issues with them shortly after sign up. My issues are quite severe and involve data loss on their end of over 100 files. This same issue continues today on my third year with them. Their support is horrible. Needless to say, I will not continue to rely on pCloud. I purchased two lifetime 2TB plans with them for 4TB in total. pCloud is very unreliable. They are the worst cloud provider I have ever used. It has been worse than the free providers (Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive). I will most likely be disputing these charges with the bank of my credit card due to their lack of reliability and now ignoring my support emails.

    The good news is I just purchased a replacement for pCloud. This is a professional hosting service for SFTP with 99.9% guaranteed uptime and guaranteed bandwidth. I already own my own domain, so a DNS setup to point SFTP to the new provider is all that is needed for my current domain registration.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Oh, that's cool. Is Astiga working fine with it? Feel free to name the provider...

  • DrystDryst Member

    I just ordered service with them yesterday, and I am still in the setup phase. Once my setup is done, and I have uploaded my 1.15 TiB of audio data for streaming, I will report back and share the provider. They are a well-known professional hosting service, so all should be good.

    On a side-note, pCloud support responded to me today, and I am sharing details with them for follow-up. Something changed on their end. Over the weekend I could not access my data at all due to Windows I/O errors. Today one file that I needed to open over the weekend is now mysteriously available for download. I am sharing links to all files for their follow-up.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Interesting, let us know!

  • DrystDryst Member

    My SFTP site is now ready, and I am copying over my media and playlists. The hosting provider is IONOS. I ordered a three year contract with them to start off. The speed is fast 200 MB/s, and my copy will be complete in about two hours.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Interesting - thanks. I knew they were a web host, I hadn't looked into their storage offering.

  • DrystDryst Member

    When I attempt to add new storage, I click SFTP in the option. However, the screen takes me to Amazon S3 Storage input. Is this correct?

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Erggggh. The title is incorrect, but the rest of the details should be fine. We'll fix the title.

  • DrystDryst Member

    Okay and thanks.

    IONOS did not work out for me, so I canceled my contract during trial period.

    I have a new provider now. It took one week to fully upload my entire music library. This is done, and now I am synchronizing on all my apps, devices and computers.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Cool, who's the new provider and what was wrong with IONOS?

  • DrystDryst Member
    edited July 14

    My new provider is USA only and does not support customers outside of the states. It's another big provider -- Colocation America. This one reminds me of an old-school ISP that I missed and like.

    For IONOS, I specifically chose them due to them advertising unlimited storage. I later learn to find they have limits of a mere 100GiB for uploads. Their support suggested canceling during trial for a full refund that I did immediately.

  • DrystDryst Member
    edited July 16

    The Astiga mobile app plays music with no issue from my SFTP server as source.

    The same Astiga is not responding message shows when shuffling a playlist. This not responding message now takes more time prior to a song loading and being playable. Also, I sometimes see the message after having successfully played songs from a loaded playlist, but when I return to the vehicle the next day it takes longer to recover and continue playback.

    Other than these issues above, playback works without issue and there is no lag or pauses in playback so far.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator
    edited July 18

    The not responding issue is this one right: ?

    Did the SD card change ever work, if possible?

    Thanks for the storage provider update.

  • DrystDryst Member

    Yes. It is that issue, and changing from SD card to local storage did not make a difference.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Ok, will check when back from holiday on Friday.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Just an update that I've responded to the original thread to say we're going to look at this soon:

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