Play queue pagination

CambionnCambionn Member

Sorry, found another little bug 😅.

I noticed the play queue has pagination now. There's 2 issues with this.

  1. When the end of the page is reached, it won't automatically continue to page 2.
  2. The last song of page one is also the first song of page 2, putting it twice in the list.


  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Thanks - we'll add these to fix for the next milestone.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Regarding (2) - what's the ramification of this?

    There's a technical constraint here - the playlist library we use has to have the current playing track in the visible playlist.

  • If it doesn't play double it's not much of an issue. If it does that would be kinda annoying.

  • CambionnCambionn Member
    edited August 2024

    I've been finding a few more issues with play queue pagination.

    • When saving a play queue as playlist, only the first page gets saved instead of the whole queue (this is especially an issue as rearranging from the playlist page doesn't seem to work anymore either. I'll make a separate bug report for that as that's not a play queue issue).
    • When moving to a second page to take a look what's there, the whole play list gets mixed up because the next song is suddenly the first song on page 2 instead of the actually next song.
    • Rearranging play queues is really troublesome when you want a song from one page to be placed somewhere on another page.

    I'm honestly not that sure if pagination is the right way to handle large play queues. It feels rather unnatural.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Thanks for these, we've added tickets.

    When moving to a second page to take a look what's there, the whole play list gets mixed up because the next song is suddenly the first song on page 2 instead of the actually next song.

    This should be fixed in development - it'll be deployed early next week.

    I'm honestly not that sure if pagination is the right way to handle large play queues. It feels rather unnatural.

    Any other music players that handle it better to your knowledge?

  • Any other music players that handle it better to your knowledge?

    Every music player I used just has a long list, which works great when it comes to this. As for how to make that work nicely performance-wise I'm not sure (which is, as far as I know, is the reason you've paginated it).

    I could only think of a similar setup as grids in open-world type 3D games, making it look like a list (open world) but unload the tracks (grids) that are not shown (too far from the player character), loading and unloading while scrolling (walking around). That way you would have limited tracks at once just like old-fashioned pagination, but a more smooth and less button-heavy experience. But I'm not sure how well that would work in reality. And it doesn't solve your issue where the current track has to be shown.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    When saving a play queue as playlist, only the first page gets saved instead of the whole queue

    This is fixed and in the next build.

    Every music player I used just has a long list, which works great when it comes to this

    Hmmm, it might look like a long list but I'm not sure it's all stored in memory. In our case, for our listeners, it would definitely not work, there are playlists out there with tens of thousands of tracks in them. Some form of lazy infinite scrolling might work (a little like you say).

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