Rating Question

DrystDryst Member

All of my files have ratings within tags. However, it appears that the majority of my files in my library are unrated. My guess is that the rating I set during playback using the mobile app is how those ratings got set. I do have playlists for all ratings:

Rating 5.m3u8

Rating 4.m3u8

Rating 3.m3u8

Rating 2.m3u8

Rating 1.m3u8

I use these playlists with audio players to select all files then set the rating for the selection to the applicable rating.

My question -- is it possible to do such a thing with the web app?


  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Ratings are held separately to the file in Astiga. We don't read the files for ratings.

    Which field do you use for ratings? POPM?

  • DrystDryst Member

    The field is Rating. It appears just like this:

    Rating 5

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Could you send me (via email if you like) a path to a file in your library that has the rating inside? On your next sync I can dump the rating info and then we can work out how to incorporate it.

    BTW, currently there is no provision anywhere in Astiga for Astiga to write back to your music files. So we wouldn't be able to update the ratings inside your original files, at least not as the permissions currently stand.

  • DrystDryst Member
    edited August 30

    I was requesting to update the missing ratings on website. There is a difference between the website and the mobile app regarding ratings as you know. It appears that a thumbs up on the mobile app = rating 5 (this is my guess). The only ratings I have set on the website in any files are 5 stars. Only a small number have a 5 star rating. The majority have no rating at all. I do not know what a thumbs down translates to as far as ratings.

    All of my files have ratings in tags. Absolutely no file in my entire library does not contain a rating within its tag. From the Songs page on the website, here is the first shown:



    Here is the file path:


    This tag has Rating 5 set as shown by Mediainfo:

    E: drive is my SFTP server mapped under Windows 11 via RaiDrive. RaidDrive maps my SFTP server that emulates it as a fixed local disk. This allows me to play content from apps like MusicBee (that natively recognizes and supports my current ratings within tags).

    Post edited by Dryst on
  • DrystDryst Member
    edited August 30

    What would work nicely is that I select my Rating 5 play list from the web app that shows all files within the play list. I then select all files to set the rating to five stars. This would accomplish what I am looking for. I would repeat this for Rating 4 play list but set all these files to four stars. I would do this for all rating play list until all ratings were set.

    This is specifically why I created these rating play lists. To set the ratings correctly for apps that do not natively support the ratings that exist in tags.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    There is a difference between the website and the mobile app regarding ratings as you know. It appears that a thumbs up on the mobile app = rating 5 (this is my guess). The only ratings I have set on the website in any files are 5 stars. Only a small number have a 5 star rating. The majority have no rating at all. I do not know what a thumbs down translates to as far as ratings.

    Thumbs up = 5 stars. Thumbs down = 1 star. What's really confusing here is that the app also has a "star" function, which is separate from the rating/starring you see on the app/Web respectively. Some consolidation is required.

    From the sync logs I can see you have a plain RATING field with value 5 for the file you mention. The trouble with this is that there's no real standard for ratings in Vorbis comments. Different apps pursue different approaches - some using 0-100, some 0-1... and to be honest 1-5 seems less well supported than the other ranges, thus I wouldn't like to adopt that as our way, and import them at sync time.


    What would work nicely is that I select my Rating 5 play list from the web app that shows all files within the play list. I then select all files to set the rating to five stars. This would accomplish what I am looking for. I would repeat this for Rating 4 play list but set all these files to four stars. I would do this for all rating play list until all ratings were set.

    ... this would work.

    This is specifically why I created these rating play lists. To set the ratings correctly for apps that do not natively support the ratings that exist in tags.

    Bear in mind there's not a lot to support because, as above, different apps work differently and there's no prescribed schema or even de facto emergent approach.

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