in Bugs
I am getting a "MEDIA_ELEMENT_ERROR: Format error" any time I try to play a music file sync'ed from my Google Drive. Same thing occurs via PC or Android app. Anyone having this issue? Seems like it's been this way for a couple of weeks.
All files?
Note for anyone landing on this page from Google wanting to know what
means: It's an error message shown when a browser tries to load a file, such as an audio or video file, and it fails for some reason. Normally, the second part of the error message (in this case: "Format error") gives you something more specific.To resolve, try to work out why the file isn't being loaded correctly. Is it downloading fully? Is it corrupted? Can you open the file in other media software? If you can, it might be the browser doesn't support this format of media. If you can't, the problem is probably with the file.
Yes this occurs for all files.
Everything seems ok now. I deleted my Google drive connection, re-added it, then resynced it...voila, it's working.
Oh - thanks for that, I was about to check.