Sync slowdown

gravelldgravelld Administrator

Just a note to say sync is currently taking a while because of some work we're doing on the database. Over the next 24 hours the process may take a long time to complete. I promise it's all to the good!


  • Is it also expected for the sync to stop working completely? It seems stuck on a sync that finished but never gave the finished message.

    I got in quite some CDs yesterday and today. Got 20 disks to rip. I'm about halfway now, The ones I did yesterday are working but nothing from today has been added so it seems to have been broken since somewhere last night.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Yes, that's expected.

  • Any idea when it should be finished? My last log entry is from 2024-09-10T11:52:10, so it's been at least a little over 22 hours. Not sure if the 24 is an estimate, or a set time.

    Below that log it says "addLibraryStart failed."

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Do you mean the maintenance work? Sorry, no. It's still running!

    We're adding changing the structure of the library data slightly to add some more metadata for browsing. The library data is pretty large - all the songs for all the users - and so it is taking a long time.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Currently I can see it's only just over half way, so I predict we won't be able to restart sync until tomorrow.

  • Thanks for the update! I shall wait then.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    I'm afraid it's still not completed - currently the progress is showing it's 104% complete 🙄 . The original work estimate was obviously incorrect.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    It has now completed and I've restarted the process.

  • Thanks for the information.

    Just as a suggestion: When the next big update or database work is planned or on going, maybe you could put a short notice text on the main page top or on the support site. Would help to see the "problem" faster and to reduce the support issues.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    I 100% agree - we've got the beginnings of this functionality but it's not quite baked yet... Not everyone reads these forums.

  • Hi there, since this initial database work began, my sync (OneDrive) has not been picking up anything new. Can you advise on the best path forward?

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Thanks for the report - I'll look into it today.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    This should be fixed - it was due to a configuration update in some of our dependencies.

  • Thank you! Can confirm my issue is resolved.

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