Sonixd broken images

About half the cover art in my collection spontaneously stopped appearing in Sonixd. It has been replaced with a broken image icon and the text "img"next to it. Anyone know why this might happen?


  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    In your library, can you give me an example of which albums aren't showing the art? You can email if you like.

  • I don't mind doing it here if it ends up helping someone else later...

    Some examples of broken images:

    Coil - The Ape of Naples

    Bullion - Affection

    James Rushford - Turzets

    Some examples of images that DO work:

    Joe Henderson - Power to the People

    CTI - Elemental 7

    Richard Teitelbaum - Asparagus

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator
    edited September 20

    Hi - these are showing the same behaviour in the web app - I don't think it's anything to do with Sonixd.

    The artwork hasn't been recorded in the database during synchronisation. We support embedded images or co-located (in the same folder) image files with the name (before image extension):

    • cover
    • folder

    Or name containing:

    • back
    • rear
    • albumartsmall
    • albumart_

    Does you library contain art like that?

  • Hmm. I'm going to be honest, I can't tell you. I gather my music from various sources like Bandcamp and Bittorrent and don't pay much heed to the artwork.

    The odd thing about all this is that it only just started happening. These same albums simply showed with no artwork up until a couple of weeks ago. I guess my question is, what could have changed?

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    These same albums simply showed with no artwork up until a couple of weeks ago.

    I'm not sure if I understand now...

    Are you saying they didn't show artwork, then they did for a while, now they don't again?

    Currently, the only way to show artwork is to provide it by the means above.

  • In Sonixd, if an album has no artwork, it shows a generic musical note graphic. These albums previously showed the musical note graphic, now they show the broken img icon. Just one day hundreds of records went from showing nothing to showing this error message. More irritating than anything else.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Ah, ok. I'll double check that.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Using Sonixd 0.15.5 on Linux I'm seeing the placeholders:

    I realise that app is in maintenance mode, but might we be able to find out what would cause a 'broken' image rather than the placeholder? That would be better addressed to the Sonixd programmers.

    Maybe it's the placeholder that isn't being loaded?

  • I suspect you're right? Oh well. Perhaps it's time to find a new app. Would be nice to see their new one add Subsonic support.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Yeah, that's taking a while...

  • I reached out about a timeline and it turns out Feishin has already added Subsonic support! Unfortunately can't seem to get it working but in theory it does have it now...

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    That's interesting... Send 'em some logs! And I'm more than willing to work with them if they have any questions about our Subsonic implementation.

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