Database maintenance - synchronisation paused

gravelldgravelld Administrator

We're having to perform a pause on synchronisation again whilst we make some changes to our database.

This means synchronisation won't be running for a day or two.

The changes are to support new features (which we'll really, really be releasing asap!) and better scalability.

Apologies for the inconvenience...


  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    This has been restarted.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator
    edited October 2024

    Just a note to say sync is running slowly at the moment because of more database work, but I don't think there's a requirement to stop it this time.

    I've decided to run an orderly shutdown of sync to allow existing processes to complete and then stop further jobs until the work completes in a day or two. Apologies again for this disruption but the database work can't be done without it.

  • CambionnCambionn Member
    edited October 2024

    I was surprised to just see there was a sync this morning. But it only executed GET commands, but didn't actually add or remove things. It had it's last action at 2024-10-23:T10:51:58. It started at 2024-10-23T10:50:03, after you stopped the syncing process.

    It's considered still busy, so no new sync starts. But it's also not doing anything, be it finishing or adding/removing. It seems stuck.

    Is this expected during this down time? I have quite some changes waiting for when the sync comes back online, would be a shame if something crashed and I'm just waiting thinking it's the downtime while the sync is back up already.

    Edit: It's running a new sync now, but it still doesn't seem to get passed GET commands and gets stuck the same way. New tracks and changes are not visible in Astiga yet.

    Post edited by Cambionn on
  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    I think it's just taking a long time to execute backed up database updates. The maintenance is almost complete so I should be able to restart tomorrow morning (BST).

  • CambionnCambionn Member
    edited October 2024

    It seems all good now!

    I was just confused as before it just gave an error it couldn't start the sync, but now it seemingly did sync but didn't actually do anything but checking folders followed by getting stuck for a few hours.

    Post edited by Cambionn on
  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    👍️ Should be running as normal now.

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