Possible duplicate albums in list following build 20241105

gravelldgravelld Administrator

To support the album browsing improvement we made in 20241105 we had to perform a data migration process.

As part of this, it might be that some users experience duplicate albums in your album lists. If you do, please let us know and we'll rectify this.


  • What's the best way to let you know? I have a few duplicate albums in my list (is it gonna be a pain if everyone just messages on here? I don't know how widespread the issue is)

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Send us an email to info@asti.ga with the album names... 👍️

  • It would be helpful to know how to identify this issue. I have no idea whether I face it or not. I have the same content for two different providers: pCloud and SFTP. All of my albums show two times as a result of this.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Well, if you didn't have duplicates before and you do now, then it's an issue. It might be the migration process didn't take into account the same album in different storage accounts. We'll look into that on Monday morning - hope that's ok...

  • Did you get a chance to resolve the mass duplicates that appear for me now? A solution to this issue is to add a selection for specific cloud storage to display albums for. This is required to limit the selection to a specific storage. In my case, I would have two options that match my two sets of cloud storage: pCloud and SFTP. Add a drop down pick list containing these two items to choose which to display albums for.

  • Also, I am seeing an error now after clicking Albums:

    getAlbumsByLetter failed: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 3696 The regular expression contains an unclosed bracket expression.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator


    Did you get a chance to resolve the mass duplicates that appear for me now?

    Can you get in touch via email - info@asti.ga - and let us know some example albums?

    That way, we can work out the patterns and try to ensure they are all de-duplicated.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    For the benefit of others searching this issue:

    It turned out this is because the same albums were in two different storage accounts. This is supported of course, but with the recent album display changes we are now splitting albums by storage account.

    We're thinking through a few different improvements to fix this.

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