Albums - Other tab error

With the recent update that consolidates characters into a few tabs on the Albums page (great update tysm) there is now an Other tab displayed, but selecting it displays the following error message: "getLibraryAlbums failed: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 3696 The regular expression contains an unclosed bracket expression."


  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Huh. Ok, thanks for that - we'll look into it.

  • Confirmed! also see the recently added fixed for android and browser. Curiously does seem to have reset everything in most/recently played on both android and browser.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Thanks. I think that's still a separate problem - will look into it.

  • FYI also noticed that the sorting issue in Albums by decade that was putting the bulk of my albums into the 'Other' set seems to have come back. I think we discussed via email, but we determined that this was something on the back end because nearly all of these albums have the correct release date metadata. lmk if you'd like a new thread started for this but I'm guessing you already have a fix since you resolved it once before.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Can you add a new thread? This "Other" tab issue is fixed in development, and ready to deploy, but I'd like to test that separately.

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