lost+found system directory causes Bulk-Import of Playlist Failure

DrystDryst Member
edited December 2024 in Bugs

I have reproduced this issue two times already. Bulk Import reaches lost+found directory on my server that completely stops showing a red "1" right under my cloud source selection.

I will delete lost+found to work-around this issue, but this is a required system directory and will be re-created.


  • The Bulk import reached the P directories now, so my work-around resolved this issue.

    Again, lost+found will be re-created, so this requires a fix.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Thanks - there are a whole bunch of folder names we could probably avoid, like trash cans, well known metadata folders etc. I've built quite a list of these from the work on bliss (https://www.blisshq.com).

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