Duplication of albums
I have a lot of duplicate albums on https://play.asti.ga/albums/.
I have multiple formats for one song. For example "Song A" as .flac, .m4a and mp3. in different folders. I have multiple storage linked to astiga.
I use folder structures like playlist1, playlist2, playlist3 and Song A could be in playlist1 and playlist2 with or without different format, but they have the exact same tags
Is it possible to only show albums/songs/artists etc for only the selected storage? (It is unclear to me if this solves the duplicate album issue)
I thought of this approach; You could create a check mark for each storage saying "Use this storage for indexing".
I see a problem in this approach. I have a Folder "Library", which will be indexed. I have another folder in a different storage named "Playlist_1". When I listen to a song in Playlist_1, I still want to be able to look up its album name or artist name. But that may not be possible because I don't want to have Library and Playlist_1 indexed at the same time.
So I came up with a different solution. If two songs match the exact same tags, make it one entry in (as example) the album list. When you click on detail for one song, show both files that match the tags. Also create a default format for which to play.
Why is this so important to me?
I have a m4a playlist for low bandwidth and a FLAC playlist for higher quality. Each song two times. Each in m4a and each in FLAC.
When having only one entry in the album list, it may be important to give the option to choose which one I want to play. When clicking on the dots or right clicking on the song to give me an easy way to choose.
When clicking on the entry of a song, it has to be decided which one astiga will play. Give the option to decide a default format for this. As example: m4a -> flac. So m4a will be prioritized before any other format.
I hope I could explain this in an understanding way. Don't hesitate to ask me if anything is unclear.
Yeah, looks like it's coming from having multiple storage accounts.
In this case, wouldn't showing the differentiation of album by codec help, in addition to showing/hiding storage accounts?
I think it could make it better. I have songs that have duplicates across playlists with the same codec.
It would be awesome if these duplicates could all point to the same album the tags are pointing to.
I have an example on how it could be perfect for me: I have song1.flac, song1.mp3, song1.flac and song1.m4a, which all are duplicates. song1.flac exists two times, all files are in different playlists. All have the same tags and point to the album "album1". Album1 has 3 songs.
When being in album1, you can see all songs without duplicates like this:
by pressing or choosing "play option" or something along these lines, you could select play song1 as "flac" "mp3" "flac" "m4a" by pointing to the path the files are stored in to see which are being played. Does this make sense? Is this achievable to do?
It's software, it's achievable 😉 the important/difficult bit is working out the best way for everyone.
I'm not sure I like the idea of "hiding" and collapsing the files behind one notion of the work "song1". I think I'd rather have them show but allow filters to remove tracks from different storage accounts.
That said, I suppose an option to 'remove' (disappear/collapse) duplicate tracks in general and a heuristic to choose which track to play when a song is played is a possibility.
I understand. What would you suggest to address the issue?
One thing I'm wondering is how frequently do you want to switch between "modes"? It seems the main use case here is when you want lossy tracks for low bandwidth sometimes, and FLAC for higher quality the other times. This determines how available the UI component should be that switches between the two.
When searching music by album while on my computer, I'm always using FLAC for playback.
When on phone, I mostly use m4a for lower bandwidth.
The main goal is to eliminate the duplicate album issue while still allowing playback of either available file codec.
Edit: While also eliminating the duplicate track issue in an album.
Does this answer your question?
Yeah - I think so - but to clarify...
still allowing playback of either available file codec
... by "either" do you mean it's possible to access either type, but you will prefer FLAC on the Web app and lossy on the app?
I'm thinking that part of this is a way of controlling what you see depending on your client or connection.