Astiga is "not supported" in Music Assistant
Hey! I already contacted you trough mail as I thought it was caused by the + in my email. Sadly, that doesn't seem to be the case, or at least not the entirety of it.
I'm trying to give my local Home Assistant server access to my Astiga library. It seems the supposed way to do this is to add a Music Assistant server and log in there with Subsonic. However, when trying to do so I end up with a "not supported" message. Enabling/disabling any of the toggles doesn't help, nor does leaving the path value empty.
More information about the Subsonic implementation can be found here:
Visually what it looks like on my side:
That's odd - I thought I tried this out a month or so ago. I'll have another go.
Actually I hadn't tried it.
It's assuming we support OpenSubsonic which is the de facto new standard for Subsonic. We don't, yet, and when we reply
I say we don't, I just implemented a fix and it should be in the next version - I can at least see albums now:
I didn't test playback because there's no easy browser player I could find.
I think there might also be a problem with search because I'm seeing this error after I add the provider:
That looks like our problem but I need to work on some other stuff now.
This will be in the next release.
It's assuming we support OpenSubsonic which is the de facto new standard for Subsonic. We don't, yet, and when we reply
That actually makes a lot of sense then!
I didn't test playback because there's no easy browser player I could find.
I'm guessing you don't have Home Assistant in your house? Then you could stream it to any of your smarthome devices :P
If I could login, I could test playback. So if it's in the next update, I can test how far things work and let you know. If I can get in further, I might also be able to check some logs. Although I have to look up how to access them on HA. Should be doable.
I did notice something odd just now. Somehow, Music Assistant has figured my artists and albums despite not having any provider added (see picture). None of them are usable tho, and trying to refresh them just leaves you with a message it can't be reached. Still, I'm curious how it got them. From a failed attempt to add the server? Maybe. Folder view also has an empty OpenSubsonic folder so it has done some (minimal) stuff, although running mkdir is something else than connecting to a server and I would expect it to await connection before trying to sync. But then, software often doesn't do what you'd expect.
Anyways, it's an oddity I wanted to add.
It makes a lot of queries, maybe, as you suggest, it did receive some valid responses and these are cached.