Astiga is "not supported" in Music Assistant
Hey! I already contacted you trough mail as I thought it was caused by the + in my email. Sadly, that doesn't seem to be the case, or at least not the entirety of it.
I'm trying to give my local Home Assistant server access to my Astiga library. It seems the supposed way to do this is to add a Music Assistant server and log in there with Subsonic. However, when trying to do so I end up with a "not supported" message. Enabling/disabling any of the toggles doesn't help, nor does leaving the path value empty.
More information about the Subsonic implementation can be found here:
Visually what it looks like on my side:
That's odd - I thought I tried this out a month or so ago. I'll have another go.
Actually I hadn't tried it.
It's assuming we support OpenSubsonic which is the de facto new standard for Subsonic. We don't, yet, and when we reply
I say we don't, I just implemented a fix and it should be in the next version - I can at least see albums now:
I didn't test playback because there's no easy browser player I could find.
I think there might also be a problem with search because I'm seeing this error after I add the provider:
That looks like our problem but I need to work on some other stuff now.
This will be in the next release.
It's assuming we support OpenSubsonic which is the de facto new standard for Subsonic. We don't, yet, and when we reply
That actually makes a lot of sense then!
I didn't test playback because there's no easy browser player I could find.
I'm guessing you don't have Home Assistant in your house? Then you could stream it to any of your smarthome devices :P
If I could login, I could test playback. So if it's in the next update, I can test how far things work and let you know. If I can get in further, I might also be able to check some logs. Although I have to look up how to access them on HA. Should be doable.
I did notice something odd just now. Somehow, Music Assistant has figured my artists and albums despite not having any provider added (see picture). None of them are usable tho, and trying to refresh them just leaves you with a message it can't be reached. Still, I'm curious how it got them. From a failed attempt to add the server? Maybe. Folder view also has an empty OpenSubsonic folder so it has done some (minimal) stuff, although running mkdir is something else than connecting to a server and I would expect it to await connection before trying to sync. But then, software often doesn't do what you'd expect.
Anyways, it's an oddity I wanted to add.
It makes a lot of queries, maybe, as you suggest, it did receive some valid responses and these are cached.
Just a little update after yesterday's update. Playback works! There are some oddities every now and then (mainly some interactions that don't seem supported causing some buttons to error and album art not showing on some places even if they do on others, mainly in the current playing they are missing. You should be able to trigger the errors by clicking places even without playback), but overall it seems to do what it should be doing and most functions work.
EDIT: It seems there is still some oddities. There are only 20 albums synced for example, and all other albums give me an error 500 when trying to open them from artist pages (I see 690 artist in Music Assistant, but I'm not sure if that number is correct).
Playlist also don't get synchronised.
For some reason it also stops after each track, despite more being in the playlist. I'm not sure if this is on Astiga's side or on Music Assistant's.
The albums that are synced work well tho. I can even scrobble them using: Because of that, I would say if somehow the issue where only 20 albums are synchronised can be fixed it's usable.
It'll take me a few days but I'll test this - can you give me a couple of examples of albums with the problem (also it might be worth retesting after the manual update I mentioned in the other thread)?
Well. It seems Music Assistant can only grab 20 albums. So literally any album that isn't one of these doesn't work:
Before I did a full resync this morning, I had 20 other albums. So unlike the other issue, this one doesn't seem to be related to specific albums. Just limited to 20 for some reason. Without resyncing, it gives me the same 20 whenever I add or remove the storage again.
Interestingly enough I can see the albums of artist that have synced when looking at the artist page, just interacting with them gives a error 500. The albums that work are also listed double for no apparent reason. So it has some data, but something goes wrong somewhere.
Interacting with the albums that aren't in the 20 that work results in the following:
Thanks - as above please try again now the data has been cleaned up.
Still stuck with only 20 albums. And just like after resync, it are 20 different ones.
Thanks, I'll review in a few days.
I'm just seeing that it has updated itself to 1057 albums. I don't have time to test stuff now, but I'll get back to it. It might be fixed after all.
Double albums are still a thing, but it seems to come from one being the Music Assistant library, one being the OpenSubsonic one. Clicking on the second one breaks, but the first one works. I gotta see how I can hide the OpenSubsonic one from the album view (but not as tracks and in the album's track view) without breaking stuff. Not sure if I can, but that now seems purely on Music Assistant's side.
I'm suddenly getting the following error in Music Assistant:
Simply trying to remove and re-add the server gives the same error
Thanks for this - looks like a general problem, looking at it now.
I saw your updates on Mastodon. Just here to confirm its working again.