Playback Stutters Frequently From My Home; No Issue From My Vehicle
I am not sure exactly what is going on. The Astiga mobile app when connected to my Jeep's built-in WiFi connection plays audio with no issues, and it never pauses. My built-in WiFi in my Jeep is really 4G connection. That is the maximum speed AT&T, who is the mobile provider, offers. With a 4G mobile connection, I still have very good playback. My only complaint is that the mobile app is often unresponsive and completely freezes. I must wait at many "Not Responding" screens until it comes to life. Even with it frozen, audio playback works with no issues.
When I bring the same mobile phone to my home and attempt to play audio with the device connected to my home WiFi connection, it will stop all audio playback as if the pause button was pressed. It will then resume playback later after a delay. This repeats over and over. My home network WiFi is faster than a 4G mobile connection that my Jeep has available. Why would I face these playback issues when playing from my home? I do not understand what the issue is.
My phone is connected to my WiFi router for all Internet. It is playing audio from my JBL Charge 5 WiFi via Bluetooth. This is the same as my Jeep that works perfectly. The differences are my phone is connected to my Jeep's head unit via Bluetooth, and my Jeep as a slower mobile Internet connection. This does not make sense to me.
I also recall this same stuttering issue happening with my Samsung tablets from my home WiFi. This device was not even playing audio via Bluetooth. It was playing music over its speakers. I can certainly try to reproduce this issue from my Samsung Ultra S8 tablet again. All my devices are connected via 5GHz WiFi that is very fast.
Finally, I ran some errands today taking the same mobile phone that was stuttering in my home over my WiFi Internet to run some errands. Playing the exact same playlist that was stuttering in my home, my playback was flawless with no delays while playing with my Jeep over its mobile WiFi connection (that is mobile 4G). This is a reproducible issue that appears to be a bug.
Nevermind -- I give up.
What you say makes sense - it should be that a faster home connection means it's less likely to stutter.
I note what you wrote about the tablet, but can you try playing in your home without Bluetooth? Bluetooth has been an issue in the past.