Songs are getting skipped half-way listening

Occurred on App, could also occur on Web, but not tested on Web

Explanation: When streaming my playlist, some songs skip to the next song in the playlist even though the song has not reached its end yet. Playing the same song again repeats the same situation. It will skip at the same moment. Deleting its cache and re-caching the song by playing it again fixes the problem for this given song. (Seems like a caching problem?) Tested for container/codec m4a/AAC. Not sure if issue persists on other codec or container.


  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Yeah, I think this is where a truncated song is cached. Is there any way to get a reproducable example?

  • My reproducible example would be to add a bunch of tracks to a current running playlist, let the app cache the songs and play them to see if a song bugs out or not. Not really reliable but it happens from time to time.

    An idea is to add 100 songs to a playlist and set the cache song limit to unlimited and then play each song. To speed up the process, you can simple skip to the end of the song and see if it plays the last bit. If it does not play the end, then the song is bugged and it will skip to the next song.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Do you play back via Bluetooth or some other form of casting?

    Is gapless playback being used?

  • I play back with Bluetooth and gapless playback is turned off.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Is it possible to check whether it occurs when playing via the phone's speaker or wired headphones? Just trying to isolate the cause.

  • I always listen to music with my headphones via Bluetooth. So I can try to switch to speaker the moment this bug occurs. I'll restart the app and play the same song on speaker to see what happens. Will message if tested.

    Or do I have to test it on speaker before it's starting to cache/play the song?

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    You need to test the entire thing on speaker really... I appreciate you wouldn't normally listen this way, but I'm just trying to isolate the cause.

  • Ayo. I could reproduce it just now with a bunch of testing. These are the steps:

    1. Be connected to the internet.
    2. Try to play a song that has not been cached yet. It will show a percentage of how much of the song has been cached.
    3. Disconnect from the internet before caching has reached 100% (fully cached).
    4. If the song is skipped or is not playing, play it again.
    5. This will display the song as fully cached but will skip at the point where the internet was disconnected, based on the song's total length.

    For example, if a song is 100 seconds long and caching reaches 56% before the internet disconnects, playback will stop at 56 seconds.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Ah, ok. This makes sense. I'll reproduce and write this up into a ticket at the start of next week.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    These look like the same problem (it's the same base source code):

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