Move playlist between storage

As I'm moving storages, I'm already dreading fixing all my playlists. It made me wonder if there is any way to auto-port all playlists from one storage to another. I know that playlists are using exact file paths, but for these kind of bulk-changes it would be nice (and shouldn't be too complex) to bulk-change alter the path of one storage to another. So that, assuming the folder structure inside both storages are the same, all playlist keep working.
Is this something that can be done? be it automatically, be it manually by you on request.
You're talking about playlists stored in Astiga, right? Not .m3u playlists stored in your storage...
I can definitely write something to fix them for you. Just let me know...
Yes, the one stored in Astiga indeed!
I had even checked if I could export it then reimport or so hoping it fixes itself that way, but I saw no such option either.
Thanks for the option. I expect to be busy transfering it over the weekend, so I think I'll bother you with it in Monday. Time for you to have weekend now 😉!
I have transferred all music, so once you see this on Monday: it would be great if you could fix them 😊.
I've made the change... how does it look?
It looks good! Great!
Thanks a lot 😀