Sync super slow?

carpetdiemcarpetdiem Member
edited February 9 in Bugs

Hello there

I started using astiga last week to stream my audio from pcloud. I synced my whole database last week, it was actually surprisingly fast, a couple hours max (20k files)

I decided to rename my music folder inside Pcloud (from "music" to "My music") because I could never get my files in the storage section to show correctly. I tried to sync but it was buggy as hell, so I deleted the whole storage and launched a sync from scratch with a new storage name. It's working, the GET part in the log was done in mere minutes, but in 3 hours I have only 50 songs added (ADDED in the log). Do you think it's normal? It was so much faster the first time


  • gravelldgravelld Administrator
    edited February 10

    I've just been reviewing this. It does look like things are running quite slowly for you. It looks like every few files there's a pause of three to five minutes. That's definitely slow.

    I tried manually downloading from pCloud and it doesn't appear to be pausing there, so I don't think we're being throttled.

    I've noticed a bug, recently introduced to fix a race condition, when adding files, which I've fixed. This could cause problems for odd-tracks not on albums, because in that scenario all odd-tracks were trying to use the same "key" to get permission to write to the database, causing a queue. There's a chance this could cause a slowdown across all queries.

    We only record the last sync that was made. I noticed some more ADDs in your sync log, so are you gradually adding files in? If so, could you keep an eye on this and let us know if you see any improvement, or if it stays the same?

    Thanks for reporting!

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    Looks like it's running faster now - it's adding a file very two or three seconds on average. Let me know whether you agree.

  • Hello.

    Yes thank you! It's now adding files smoothly without stopping for several minutes every three or four files.

    I tried launching a full sync after stopping the first one so that was probably what you saw, but it was still slow before your action.

    I was thinking of a throttle on your side but it seems it was the queueing issue you mentionned. What puzzles me is that I didn't get any issue with my first Sync, and the files were identical. Any ideas why?

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator

    It might be a few things: just generally more sync traffic at different times; or a gradual building up of queued additions. Let me know if it happens again, because the proof is not 100%.

  • Will do! The Sync did complete this time :)

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