Android app release thread

gravelldgravelld Administrator

In common with the overall platform release thread, I've decided to group news of app improvements into one thread.

This thread is read-only because I don't want to distract from the information about what each build contains. If you want to raise an issue or discuss any of the builds, or features in the builds, please open a new thread.


  • gravelldgravelld Administrator


    • Better error messages if failed to login.
    • When the app is closed due to battery optimisation, handle this better so the app can be resumed.
    • Don't ask for write permissions when on Android KitKat (4.4) or later.
    • Support "play some music" voice commands.
    • If a "play x" voice command can't find an artist "x", fallback to querying for a song "x" and playing that instead.
  • gravelldgravelld Administrator
    edited November 2023


    • Don't restart services in the foreground if we're currently in the background.

    Alpha/beta build announcement.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator


    • More checks and guards against incorrect foreground/background operation, to avoid crashing.

    Alpha/beta build announcement.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator


    ... has hit Google Play!

    Alpha/beta build announcement.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator


    A number of upstream improvements:

    • Fix replaygain selection logic
    • Add song suffix as details of list song item (with option)
    • Fix album sort with duplicate track numbers
    • Fixed Android Auto library browsing if Browse By Tag is enabled
    • Allow artists to be listed in Android Auto
    • Fix fullscreen layout not actually be fullscreen anymore

    Alpha/beta build announcement.

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator
    edited June 28

    We've had a couple of reports of failures to start 1.5.34 so we're going to rollback the code to the previous version. This will be called 1.5.35. If anyone else was encountering issues starting 1.5.35 please get in touch because we haven't managed to replicate this in any of our test devices and we'd like to know the cause.

    Hopefully the new fixed version will appear in Google Play by tomorrow.

    Update: It looks like this is caused by full screen mode. To workaround:

    1. Clear data for the app: Settings -> Apps -> Astiga -> Storage -> Clear data
    2. Restart Astiga

    Unfortunately this means you'll have to log in to Astiga again.

    Update: We're publishing a fix for full screen users to alpha testing, hopefully this will be pushed to production next week.

    Post edited by gravelld on
  • gravelldgravelld Administrator


    • Fixes the above crash when displaying the app in full screen mode.

    Alpha/beta build announcement

  • gravelldgravelld Administrator


    • Fixes a crash when enabling DLNA casting
This discussion has been closed.